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Captain's Log : A Pirate Story: Dream #1

Friday, March 03, 2006

Dream #1

This post is labeled with a number because I think posting my dreams in a blog is the only good way to remember funny dreams.I don't really dream too often. Or maybe I just don't remember them, I'm sure there's a science behind it. But this one was pretty good:

I'm being forced against my will to run a gauntlet of physically trying tests in a hollowed out mountainside while a dead family member's voice coaxes me through it optimistically. Which family member? I have no clue, it wasn't immediate family or anything like that. He sounded exactly like Dan Akroyd though, which was really weird. One of the tests invoved a pit of lava which I was to climb across on floating suitcases. I screwed this event up, but it turned out the lava really isn't all that hot. I remember the voice saying "imagine how powerful you will become when you make it out of here." Then I woke up, but I'm pretty sure I passed the test.


At 4:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ghostbusters Aykroyd, or Tommy Boy Aykroyd?

At 6:15 PM, Blogger Timothy G. Killeen said...

I feel like you're only asking that question to point out that I spelled "Aykroyd" incorrectly.

And it was Ghostbusters Aykroyd.


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