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Captain's Log : A Pirate Story: The Discontended Collegian

Thursday, January 26, 2006

The Discontended Collegian

Ursinus Students: There is a new newspaper floating around in various buildings across campus called "The Discontended Collegian: The Monthly Newsletter from the Discontented Collegeville Publication society."

Basically the DC is a satirical newspaper written by some people on campus who felt the need to fill Ursinus' satirical newspaper void. In style and content The Discontented Collegian reads very much like the Onion, although neither of the writers have really honed their craft as well as the guys at the Onion. Nonetheless the people I believe to be responsible (Matt Flyntz and Dan Sergeant) are funny and definitely worthy of praise for this new campus publication. I believe they are also responsible for the column "Communism for Dummies" (which is also funny, although never as funny as whatever the Davis brothers write) in the more legitimate school newspaper, The Grizzly. I have had classes with both of them although I won't go so far as to say that I know them, but I'm definitely a huge fan of their new paper and you should definitely check it out in the near future. Try picking one up at the library or in the lounge in Ritter hall.


At 9:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

They should do a racist version of Archie comics - always good for a laugh.

Dr. Rocktapus


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