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Captain's Log : A Pirate Story: I repeat, this IS NOT Greek bashing

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

I repeat, this IS NOT Greek bashing

(I am being generous in my re-enactment of a conversation I overheard Friday night.)

Matt Davis being friendly with a frat member: So what's it like to be in your what do you guys do?
Complete D-Bag: Oh, we're not a frat.
Davis: Oh? What do you mean? Yes you are.
D-Bag Magee:Would you call your country a cunt?
Davis: (Looks at me...I'm perplexed) Um, what?
Jackass: We are a fraternity. You wouldn't call your country a cunt, why would you want to call your fraternity a frat?

The asshat went on to explain how his fellow [ed.deleted] made sure to only say fraternity because that word is so closely related to the very serious notion of brotherhood that takes place within their confines.

The brotherhood comment does not bother me anymore. I understand the need for brotherhood and sisterhood to be an integral part of Greek life, and if that's what they go through pledging to achieve, then it's fine by me. However, it is without a doubt ludacrous and assinine to come up with the notion that saying "frat" does not carry with it the same exact connotations that "fraternity" has. "Would you call your country a cunt?" No, I absolutely wouldn't, but not because I respect my country too much, it's because I'm not a lazy asshole that has to make shit up just to feign patriotism or, in this case, brotherhood.

Calling a refrigerator a fridge or the cafeteria the caf will not demean the actual word. If you could somehow shorten the word sorority, I believe the world would do it, and I hope to God that the ladies in these groups wouldn't have such qualms about it as the guy from the [ed.delted] did.

* i know people on this campus read this, so I'm concealing the identity of the FRAT just in case some people can't comprehend that this is not Greek bashing, but instead just plain Asshole Correcting*


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