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Captain's Log : A Pirate Story: Tom Killeen: MIA

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Tom Killeen: MIA

See, here's the thing. I have this brother who is off trying to become a doctor somewhere. He's a brilliant guy and nobody really has any doubts that his dreams of practicing medicine will eventually come true. But in this pursuit of doctorhood Tom has let himself forget one of the things that make him the person he is: writing.

Everything this kid writes is either hilarious or just so ridiculously well written that even if you're not exactly sure what the hell he's talking about, you feel like you should immediately open a dictionary and figure it out because you're probably missing out on some witty remark or inside joke that he is pompously keeping to himself. Maybe he's too good for his livejournal now. Maybe it's written somewhere in the Doctor Honor Code that aspiring Dr's are to discontinue the recording of their thoughts.

Tom does not plaster the link to his writings all over the internet or on his AIM profile or anything like that, so with his best interests in mind I will not be publishing this information. I just wish he'd start writing again and quit giving us all the metaphoric and Killeen/Moore family traditional "upside down finger," which is as if to say "Not only do I not care about you, but you're also not even worthy of the common 'straight up' middle finger."

Come back to us Tom.


At 1:29 PM, Blogger Dann Chopps said...

By the way - that picture wasn't taken at his graduation. He refuses to take off the cap and gown. This is him in a WaWa parking lot in October. It's kind of sad, but it's also kind of poignant.

At 7:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My best interests are to become a hugely successful writer.


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