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Captain's Log : A Pirate Story: Oh, hello.

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Oh, hello.

"You taste like hamburger, I don't like you anymore."
-Wet Hot American Summer

Welcome to, my new "blog." I guess I've finally come to terms with using the term "blog" to refer to anything that I am remotely a part of. Obviously this site is prettier than my livejournal, and so far it seems easier to navigate and customize. These are perks that I may or may not utilize in the coming week, although they have nothing at all to do with the change in site. Actually this site is meant to represent a growing up of sorts. In the past people have told me that my livejournal was well written and that I should write more and all of that nonsense, while in my own head nothing I published ever felt the way I intended for it to be. Instead a lot of my posts came off as whiny or emotional, and sometimes just immature, despite whether or not they were well written. Don't get me wrong, blogspot will not be for the squeamish. Shenanigans and tomfoolery will continue to be afoot, only now the there will be pretty colors and distracting links to keep anyone from actually having to read my crap. I intend on refraining from the ole "essay style" catch-up entries and anything bitter or just offensive that make me sound like I'm still in high school. Check back with my livejournal every once in a while though, as I'm sure I'll revert back to my old ways every once in a while.


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