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Captain's Log : A Pirate Story: Help a brotha out

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Help a brotha out

I have remained silent for far too long about something that has been plaguing me since the beginning of the semester. And no, it's not alcoholism, herpes, or any kind of malnutrition. It's actually a class that I took SOLELY because it meets only twice a week and fulfills a "history requirement." The class is called African Americans in Entertainment, which I realize doesn't sound like a class that I would normally choose to take. I like it though. Any class about entertainment is fine with me, especially because half of the class is built around listening to music and watching films. Besides, I think Chris Rock is hilarious. Like I said, however, this class is plaguing me. The professor assigns about 200 pages of tough material to read EVERY NIGHT, so as you can imagine I'm falling a little behind save only for the fact that I write a mean essay. There's a catch though! There is a possibility for A LOT of extra credit. All I have to do is figure out what rapper "sampled" the Duke Ellington song Caravan and I'll get like 5 points added to my final grade. The problem with this? It's impossible. I have no clue. I used to think I was the google master, but as it turns out I've yet to have any luck figuring out this mystery, and believe me I've spent hours trying to figure it out. Hours that could have been used reading the actual material. So if anyone knows a way to access some sort of sampled song database or just know a lot about rap, let me know. I know for a fact that the answer is not Mystikal or N.E.R.D. so don't fall into that trap.


At 5:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

russell gunn

hope the extra credit's still up for grabs


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