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Captain's Log : A Pirate Story: Why I dropped guitar lessons

Friday, February 03, 2006

Why I dropped guitar lessons

I've come a long way in my guitar pursuits since those days when all I could play was Brain Stew by Green Day. Nevertheless, I can't read sheet music and I wouldn't know anything at all about chords. Only tabs. So when I saw on the Ursinus course catalog that lessons would be taught this spring I immediately jumped at the chance to tighten up my skills and learn about all of the mistakes I've been making. Then, sometime after I enrolled myself in the course a friend of mine told me how the course would actually be adding an additional sum of money onto my already high tuition costs. "No way," I thought. "It's a credited course, just like a history or an economics, they can't charge you extra when there's a final and book costs." So I thought nothing of the claim, and decided that I would stay enrolled in the course until someone (a professor, an administrator, ANYONE) said something about this fee that I knew I wouldn't be able to pay. Then I anticipated what a guitar lesson would be like.

My vision: Late twenties, early thirties, male probably with long hair a knack for maybe some Dylan or maybe some old Elvis Costello stuff. He'd be interested in my musical influences and thrown back by my extensive ELO knowledge but somewhat saddened by my admitted negligence of a lot of good Dylan work. He'd be somewhat intimidating but willing to work with someone rough around the edges like myself, and we'd start to learn some basic chords, all the while using material that I'd recognize and understand.

What I got: 9 am lessons on Friday. Short, heavy set, balding, speaking proper English, male who immediately took an attitude with me for not bringing my acoustic guitar (the electric was lighter and it was really cold out). Then he started to talk about meter and scale and not about chords and David Bowie. When he mentioned feudalism and gregorian chants in the same sentence I decided to stop listening to what he had to say because I knew right then (25 minutes into the hour lesson) that this wasn't what I wanted. I wasn't impressed by his ability to play classical guitar, nor was I impressed by his fucking massive armpit sweat. It's guitar dude, don't wear a suit. What did I expect? After all, this is Ursinus. Towards the end he mentioned Esteban and I politely stood up and told him I had to go early because of a class.

Yesterday I found out that this course costs an additional $700. Perfect excuse for me to drop it. I'm positive I can do a whole hell of a lot better on my own. Besides, getting up for a 9am class on a friday is not cool at all. Although I'm sure d-bag guitar tutor wouldn't know anything about cool.


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