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Captain's Log : A Pirate Story: October 2005

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

No radio show tonight.....

Sorry listeners, no radio show tonight. I'm so involved with school this year that I actually have other obligations such that I can't do my favorite thing to do on this campus. Yea, it blows, but I'll find another slot to fill this week and let you know. But for my absence, I leave you with this:

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Help a brotha out

I have remained silent for far too long about something that has been plaguing me since the beginning of the semester. And no, it's not alcoholism, herpes, or any kind of malnutrition. It's actually a class that I took SOLELY because it meets only twice a week and fulfills a "history requirement." The class is called African Americans in Entertainment, which I realize doesn't sound like a class that I would normally choose to take. I like it though. Any class about entertainment is fine with me, especially because half of the class is built around listening to music and watching films. Besides, I think Chris Rock is hilarious. Like I said, however, this class is plaguing me. The professor assigns about 200 pages of tough material to read EVERY NIGHT, so as you can imagine I'm falling a little behind save only for the fact that I write a mean essay. There's a catch though! There is a possibility for A LOT of extra credit. All I have to do is figure out what rapper "sampled" the Duke Ellington song Caravan and I'll get like 5 points added to my final grade. The problem with this? It's impossible. I have no clue. I used to think I was the google master, but as it turns out I've yet to have any luck figuring out this mystery, and believe me I've spent hours trying to figure it out. Hours that could have been used reading the actual material. So if anyone knows a way to access some sort of sampled song database or just know a lot about rap, let me know. I know for a fact that the answer is not Mystikal or N.E.R.D. so don't fall into that trap.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Tom Killeen: MIA

See, here's the thing. I have this brother who is off trying to become a doctor somewhere. He's a brilliant guy and nobody really has any doubts that his dreams of practicing medicine will eventually come true. But in this pursuit of doctorhood Tom has let himself forget one of the things that make him the person he is: writing.

Everything this kid writes is either hilarious or just so ridiculously well written that even if you're not exactly sure what the hell he's talking about, you feel like you should immediately open a dictionary and figure it out because you're probably missing out on some witty remark or inside joke that he is pompously keeping to himself. Maybe he's too good for his livejournal now. Maybe it's written somewhere in the Doctor Honor Code that aspiring Dr's are to discontinue the recording of their thoughts.

Tom does not plaster the link to his writings all over the internet or on his AIM profile or anything like that, so with his best interests in mind I will not be publishing this information. I just wish he'd start writing again and quit giving us all the metaphoric and Killeen/Moore family traditional "upside down finger," which is as if to say "Not only do I not care about you, but you're also not even worthy of the common 'straight up' middle finger."

Come back to us Tom.

Sunday, October 16, 2005

George Martin

"There! I did it! I defiled a timeless piece of art! For my next trick, I will paint a clown face on the Mona Lisa while using the Shroud of Turin as a dropcloth!" – Jim Carrey

There once existed the greatest rock and roll band to ever grace the planet Earth. They were known as The Beatles to some, but also as “pretty awful,” to one man. This man was George Martin, who went on to produce nearly every Beatles record ever made including Revolver, Rubber Soul, Abbey Road, and Sgt. Pepper’s.’ At one point he was knighted, which now officially makes him “Sir” George Martin. He is widely respected and considered among the top producers ever in the profession.

This was the extent of my George Martin knowledge until just recently when I came across a 1998 project he had lent his name to. “In My Life” (pictured above) is a compilation of Beatles songs Martin had produced. The stipulation? All of the songs are performed entirely by B-list musicians or actors/actresses who have no business lending their voices to Beatles songs. Though the album is a train wreck you should check out for humor purposes only, the following songs:

1. Friends and Lovers – Sean Connery

2. Come Together – Robin Williams

3. I am The Walrus – Jim Carrey

**As you might expect, Robin Williams completely tears to shit the once great Beatles song which is now twice-ruined (F*ck Aerosmith).**

The Carrey version of I am the Walrus is completely listenable, however. Enough so in fact that I played it on my radio show last week as part of the Beatles block to a good response. One thing making this song listenable is Jim Carrey’s self-deprecating approach to covering a Beatles song, as noted in today's quote at the top of the page.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

WVOU - Ursinus College Radio

WVOU is Ursinus's version of a college radio station, with the only difference being that it cannot be heard at any type of frequency, but is instead streamed exclusively through the internet around the World (though I'm sure nobody listens to it outside of the tri-state area).

The only significance to this is that they let me have a radio show this year, which I will be doing for the rest of the on Wednesdays from 6-7 pm at

The show is a pretty good mix of all types of music, including a guaranteed 3-song Beatles block during EVERY show. I'll also be talking and having guests and hoping to be funny and entertaining some people who would never have expected me to be doing something like this.

I'm posting this today, on Thursday, because the WVOU website was down yesterday so I'm being rescheduled to tonight at 6 (if it's working tonight). So listen in, and if you're at a computer you can IM me at the SN: WVOU. I can take requests by phone as well, though I can't guarantee that I'll play your request, because most likely your request sucks.

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Oh, hello.

"You taste like hamburger, I don't like you anymore."
-Wet Hot American Summer

Welcome to, my new "blog." I guess I've finally come to terms with using the term "blog" to refer to anything that I am remotely a part of. Obviously this site is prettier than my livejournal, and so far it seems easier to navigate and customize. These are perks that I may or may not utilize in the coming week, although they have nothing at all to do with the change in site. Actually this site is meant to represent a growing up of sorts. In the past people have told me that my livejournal was well written and that I should write more and all of that nonsense, while in my own head nothing I published ever felt the way I intended for it to be. Instead a lot of my posts came off as whiny or emotional, and sometimes just immature, despite whether or not they were well written. Don't get me wrong, blogspot will not be for the squeamish. Shenanigans and tomfoolery will continue to be afoot, only now the there will be pretty colors and distracting links to keep anyone from actually having to read my crap. I intend on refraining from the ole "essay style" catch-up entries and anything bitter or just offensive that make me sound like I'm still in high school. Check back with my livejournal every once in a while though, as I'm sure I'll revert back to my old ways every once in a while.