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Captain's Log : A Pirate Story: January 2006

Thursday, January 26, 2006

The Discontended Collegian

Ursinus Students: There is a new newspaper floating around in various buildings across campus called "The Discontended Collegian: The Monthly Newsletter from the Discontented Collegeville Publication society."

Basically the DC is a satirical newspaper written by some people on campus who felt the need to fill Ursinus' satirical newspaper void. In style and content The Discontented Collegian reads very much like the Onion, although neither of the writers have really honed their craft as well as the guys at the Onion. Nonetheless the people I believe to be responsible (Matt Flyntz and Dan Sergeant) are funny and definitely worthy of praise for this new campus publication. I believe they are also responsible for the column "Communism for Dummies" (which is also funny, although never as funny as whatever the Davis brothers write) in the more legitimate school newspaper, The Grizzly. I have had classes with both of them although I won't go so far as to say that I know them, but I'm definitely a huge fan of their new paper and you should definitely check it out in the near future. Try picking one up at the library or in the lounge in Ritter hall.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

I repeat, this IS NOT Greek bashing

(I am being generous in my re-enactment of a conversation I overheard Friday night.)

Matt Davis being friendly with a frat member: So what's it like to be in your what do you guys do?
Complete D-Bag: Oh, we're not a frat.
Davis: Oh? What do you mean? Yes you are.
D-Bag Magee:Would you call your country a cunt?
Davis: (Looks at me...I'm perplexed) Um, what?
Jackass: We are a fraternity. You wouldn't call your country a cunt, why would you want to call your fraternity a frat?

The asshat went on to explain how his fellow [ed.deleted] made sure to only say fraternity because that word is so closely related to the very serious notion of brotherhood that takes place within their confines.

The brotherhood comment does not bother me anymore. I understand the need for brotherhood and sisterhood to be an integral part of Greek life, and if that's what they go through pledging to achieve, then it's fine by me. However, it is without a doubt ludacrous and assinine to come up with the notion that saying "frat" does not carry with it the same exact connotations that "fraternity" has. "Would you call your country a cunt?" No, I absolutely wouldn't, but not because I respect my country too much, it's because I'm not a lazy asshole that has to make shit up just to feign patriotism or, in this case, brotherhood.

Calling a refrigerator a fridge or the cafeteria the caf will not demean the actual word. If you could somehow shorten the word sorority, I believe the world would do it, and I hope to God that the ladies in these groups wouldn't have such qualms about it as the guy from the [ed.delted] did.

* i know people on this campus read this, so I'm concealing the identity of the FRAT just in case some people can't comprehend that this is not Greek bashing, but instead just plain Asshole Correcting*

WVOU - Season 2

Semester # 2 of Tim and Ryan Show Contempt for their Audience started yesterday with only a few slight changes to the format this time around.

Change #1: The show is on Tuesdays from 6pm to 8pm.

Change #2: In order to actually attempt growth as an internet college radio station (though I doubt this will help), we are to fill out logs of all of the music we play and we are to play at least 2 songs per timeslot off of albums in the studio's collection of music that record companies have sent us. This shouldn't be a problem as yesterday I played some Relient K and Beastie Boys.

Change #3: Ryan has a job. I don't know if he'll be around too often, but I think I'm comfortable enough now to do it solo if I have to, although having someone tangible to talk to is always better.

So click here Tuesdays at 6 if you want to listen...or you could just click it now to hear someone else from Ursinus.

If you're using a Mac, I believe you should click HERE.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Albums of the Year - 2005

There was no reason for me to produce a list of my Top Albums in 2004 because such a list would have contained only Green Day's American Idiot. 2005, however, managed to produce enough good music to necessitate a list of 10 albums which I actually had to whittle down from about 15 favorites. [Note: Kanye West will not be making this list because while I do enjoy his music I can't stand him as a person]

10. Alkaline Trio - Crimson
But why?? The Alkaline Trio creeped into the Top 10 this year because I previously hated them and thought their whole shtick was pretty lame. A friend from work insisted that I really could not write off a band based on their look alone without listening to this album. He was correct. The album is good enough to be number 10, and more importantly I learned to stop being creeped out by assholes in suspenders and eyeliner.

9. Eisley - Room Noises
But why?? Eisley consist of three nerdy sisters, their brother, and the family best friend. Nerds usually make the best musicians, so I thought I'd check this album out when I found it laying around the WVOU studio in September. I burned it and fell in love. Check this one out.

8. The Mars Volta - Frances the Mute
But why??The Mars Volta make number 8 on my list this year because when their music isn't creeping the beejeezus out of me I consider it top musicianship. I must admit that I don't entirely understand them and their musical vision, however, so no top 5 for these guys. Seriously could replace that old "halloween sounds" cassette with this album

7. Weezer - Make Believe
But why?? Because in a bad year Weezer still makes better music than most bands out there. Make Believe isn't their best release ever (that honor goes to Pinkerton, of course) but still some songs on here you're not going to want to miss. My suggestion? Track 10 - The Other Way

6. The White Stripes - Get Behind Me Satan
But why??As always an album completely original and imaginative. I wish I knew what went on in Jack White's head though. Most people would probably have this in their top 5.

5. Ok GO - Oh No
But why??Ok Go is probably one of my favorite bands. They write incredibly catchy indie pop songs and they don't take themselves too incredibly serious. If you haven't seen their video for A Million Ways yet you can check it out here.

4. Dane Cook - Retaliation
But why?? Because who says comedians can't make a top 10 albums list? Dane Cook has set all types of comic records for his release this year, which hints to the fact that he might be a little bit funny, right? So if you don't know who Dane Cook is and you've never heard any of his material then you're probably a close-minded asshole. Check this album out if you've already checked out his first one, Harmful if Swallowed.

3. The Cribs - The New Fellas
But why?? This is my token music snob choice, but only because you're probably too lazy to find out about a band like The Cribs. They are a power trio from Yorkshire, England and similar to Eisley they are comprised of three brothers. This particular album is incredibly poppy and fun. I can't stop listening to it. My recommendation? Track 3 - Martell

2. Fall Out Boy - From Under the Cork Tree
But why?? I heard they might win a grammy. Shut up.

1. Motion City Soundtrack - Commit this to Memory
But why?? The top 10 list was going just fine until I realized that this album would probably never crack anyone else's top 25, let alone top 10. I don't know what it is about MCS that makes me appreciate their music more than most other bands. I really like the moog synthesizer they use, but it's mostly the lyrics I like. This list is incredibly telling about my musical interests. I'm all over the place.

**Kanye would have been 8 or 9 had I been including assholes in this list*