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Captain's Log : A Pirate Story: I don't get it: NFL Edition

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

I don't get it: NFL Edition

Let's face it, Lee Suggs is not an everyday household name. I'm not even sure he's ever scored an NFL touchdown. I do know, however, that he plays football for a living and makes at least $1M/year. How, then, does this man FAIL A FUCKING PHYSICAL after being traded from the Browns to the Jets? I know that players traded from one team to another are often subject to various tests and physicals, but I've never actually seen two players actually switch teams, have press conferences in their new cities, and then fail a physical only to be essentially sent right back to their original team. I can only imagine what it must be like for Suggs and the other guy (Derrick Strait) to return to Cleveland and New York respectively and have to deal with knowing they weren't meant to be there. And what does it say about Cleveland that they're trying to deal their damaged goods. I don't know much about football but I'll bet they suck again this year.

Reminds me of the semi-broken electric guitar I just traded some guy from craigslist for his 30G iPod photo. Good thing the guitar didn't have to pass any tests and our addresses and numbers were never exchanged.


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