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Captain's Log : A Pirate Story: Old and Tired

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Old and Tired

Above you see Shaun Young, the self-proclaimed Philadelphia Eagles "superfan" from Media, PA.

Is anyone else tired of this dude mugging all over tv and radio proclaiming superiority over all of Philadelphia fandom? The shtick has gotten so old yet Shaun--a fucking trash man--continues to parade around in his trademark pads and face paint wherever other Eagles fans might be congregating. His personalized license plate even reads: IBLDGRN, which of course makes those of us who bleed just regular red mere "garbage" in this man's mind. I hate that he stole the whole act from Raiders fans who had been wearing pads for years, a fact I find unforgiveable ESPECIALLY given the fact that we as fans already stole the whole E-A-G-L-E-S EAGLES chant from the Jets not more than 7 years ago. I realize what he's going for. He thinks that the pads make him tough and representative of a blue-collar culture that Philadelphia prides itself on. I just wish it was more original or more associated with the team itself, like Crazy Eagle Man or something. And please, if you see him (Trust me, you will)do not encourage his behavior.


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