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Captain's Log : A Pirate Story: Tip of the Hat, Wag of the Finger: Frozen Treats

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Tip of the Hat, Wag of the Finger: Frozen Treats

A big tip of the hat to Wawa and their decision to put a f'Real Milkshake machine in each one of their brilliantly convenient stores. These little guys are not only fun to make, they are actually really good. I think the vanilla trumps the chocolate, but that's just me. What a great way to gain back all the weight you lost sweating your ass off doing menial monkey-work for your local school district.

Today's wag of the finger goes to the clowns over at Good Humor for thinking they could encapsulate and mass produce the brilliance of soft serve ice cream. I had the pleasure of witnessing a friend shovel this mess down his piehole during a particularly inebriated evening and just had to try it. Needless to say, not only is this filth a horrible excuse for drunk food, it's also just gross. Also, why does the "extreme" marketing craze have to show up on this container? The "Mega Cup?" First of all, this container is no bigger than a normal pint of Ben & Jerry's, but even if it was, are we celebrating our ability down a vat of artificial, fattening shit? You decide. As a side note though, this stuff is actually healthier than those milkshakes.


At 10:04 AM, Blogger Dann Chopps said...

I sure hope this becomes a regular feature.


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