Someone please fame audit KISS for me. I obviously did not grow up in the 70s or 80s and thus cannot vouch for the apparent Superstardom that Gene Simmons has proclaimed for himself in his recent television endeavors. Ever since Vh1 aired G
ene Simmons' Rock School last year I've been seeing this guys Jewy mug all over the place telling people how to be rock stars. I'm curious about just how big these guys really deserved to have been ( or still are? ) given the fact that they never really wrote a hit song. In fact, I'm not so sure they even wrote their own songs. The only song I can think of is
God Gave Rock and Roll to You, and even that I didn't hear of until Bill and Ted sang it as THE WYLD STALLYNS. And also, I'm quite sure they didn't write the song.
Also, something should be said for the anonymity KISS used to keep, being face-painted at all times. It was a gimmick and it worked and I do not knock them for it. However, the fact that we now see Gene Simmons paintless all the time completely ruins the credibility of his famous demon persona.
I hate KISS.