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Captain's Log : A Pirate Story: March 2006

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Clubbed to Death

Here's the first project I was a part of in my most recent MCS class, TV2-Field Production. This particular project was supposed to be a "Video Post Card," but it turned out more of a music video for a song from the Matrix soundtrack. This wasnt my idea, but I had fun working on it. The only stipulation for this one was that we had to edit using very old school VHS editing equipment. Everything after this has been digital. I'll post the newer stuff later. It took about 7 hours to get this from VHS to mpeg.

*You might need to turn the volume up to hear the song. Transferring VHS to mpeg does all sorts of crap to audio*

Pretty good for a first project. We got an A.

Monday, March 20, 2006

Grade discrepancy

Keep in mind that i'm an Economics Major

New Media: A-
Satire: A
TV Production: A-
TV Production II: A- (Prematurely giving myself this grade, the class is a joke)
Fiction Writing: A-
Common Intellectual Experience I and II: A-, A

Business Stat: C
Global Econ: B-
Accounting: B
Microeconomoics: B-
Financial Markets and Institutions: B-

Friday, March 03, 2006

Dream #1

This post is labeled with a number because I think posting my dreams in a blog is the only good way to remember funny dreams.I don't really dream too often. Or maybe I just don't remember them, I'm sure there's a science behind it. But this one was pretty good:

I'm being forced against my will to run a gauntlet of physically trying tests in a hollowed out mountainside while a dead family member's voice coaxes me through it optimistically. Which family member? I have no clue, it wasn't immediate family or anything like that. He sounded exactly like Dan Akroyd though, which was really weird. One of the tests invoved a pit of lava which I was to climb across on floating suitcases. I screwed this event up, but it turned out the lava really isn't all that hot. I remember the voice saying "imagine how powerful you will become when you make it out of here." Then I woke up, but I'm pretty sure I passed the test.