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Captain's Log : A Pirate Story: July 2006

Saturday, July 29, 2006


I heard football season was starting up again, did you hear that too? Anyway, here's a little something to get you as excited as I am. Enjoy. I know Joe will.

Gotta love the DawkPlex.


Don't get me wrong, I'm a Dane Cook fan, I really am. He appeals to a large, young audience because his jokes are contemporary and easily related to. And, like a lot of comedians before him a large portion of his success comes not from the actual jokes but from his unique delivery. However, the only thing that has kept him from being my favorite comedian is that a lot of his jokes albeit explosively delivered are ridiculous quips having nothing to do with anything. Also, you could be a gradeschool dropout and find Cook funny, which just isn't my style and is the same reason Family Guy never really appealed to me.

But now comes the allegation that Dane Cook has blatantly stolen jokes from the afore-posted-about Louis C.K., something that knocks him down a few pegs on my all-time comedian list. It may be true that comedians share jokes often and that these days there is little in the way of originality in the world of comedy. However, given THIS PIECE OF INVESTIGATION, I am a little dissapointed. It's an mp3 of 3 consecutive jokes, one told by CK, followed by the VERY SIMILAR jokes of Dane. Again, Dane's delivery makes them more appealing to today's audiences, which I sort of agree with. The tracks are from a 2001 CK album and a 2005 Cook album. Jeez.

My favorite comedians are still David Cross, Chris Rock, George Carlin, and perhaps Marc Maron.